
You’ve Entered the Home of OceanMew!

The sun is high in the sky, shining proudly over the ocean. The warmth of the magnificant sun is accompanied by a chill and comforting breeze from the sea. It's light is playing on the ripples in the water, as you enjoy the eternal song of waves crashing upon the shore.

“What is this majestic and transient place of wonder I have stumbled upon like a dreamer in the night?”

- You (dear reader who does not know of the esteemed deeds done here)

This sites main purpose is to post fun stuff I want to share as well as serving as a hub for links to other sites I use. I hope you enjoy your stay on my corner of the web, I’ll be slowly improving it over time and expanding. Please wait warmly for more updates!

Whats the best way to contact you?

The best way to do that is via Mastodon or you can leave a comment in the Guestbook

This site looks weird on my iPhone..

This site will display it's content on mobile browers, but it won't be a pleasant experience.